Naturata - One name, many carriers

How is it that several companies have the same name?
In addition to Naturata AG and Naturata Logistik eG there are organic stores which also use the name Naturata in their company name. The origin of all three is found in the "Naturata-Idee". This idea consits of distributing high-quality organic food (primarily in Demeter quality) sustainably and in harmony with man and nature.

Who does what?

Naturata AG

Naturata AG is a branded manufacturer of all products under the brand Naturata.
The Naturata idea was born in 1976 with the aim of reliably supplying the then still young organic food stores with organic products.However, Naturata not only supplied organic food stores with existing products, but soon also developed them themselves, as hardly any organic products were available on the still young market at the end of the 1970s. Naturata did pioneering work and spoke with numerous farmers, producers and interested parties who were dedicated to the development of the organic food market.
Naturata AG has grown steadily since the early years. Currently, around 300 premium products are offered, most of them are Demeter-certified or carry the Fair Trade label.

Naturata Logistik eG

The Naturata Logistik eG ensures that the goods are always and everywhere available in the various organic food stores. It was founded in 1979 as a cooperative and initially acted exclusively as a wholesaler. In 2003 the trade in goods was sold to Naturata AG. Since then, Naturata Logistik eG has concentrated on logistics services for the organic food market.
The environmentally friendly and energy-saving warehouse, logistics and office center is centrally located in Germany, as an ideal starting point for the EU-wide engagement.
The company's own trucks only use the environmentally friendly Euro 5 emission standard, which means that Naturata products also guarantee holistic sustainability in terms of transport.

Naturata organic stores

Naturata organic stores in Überlingen

Naturata organic stores in Munsbach (Luxembourg)

They are in many German cities and in Luxembourg. Most of them are managed on its own and independently of the Naturata products. Nevertheless, every store has a strong connection to the Naturata brand - precisely because of the common idea - and, as far as possible, leads the entire product line out of its own conviction.
The shops have a special interest in promoting regional agriculture and especially biodynamic farming and also to point it out in the store.
Unlike the independent Naturata organic stores in Germany, the individual Naturata branches in Luxembourg belong to the Naturata retail chain. Accordingly they are centrally managed and guided.

The common goal

Although each party works independently and autonomously, they all find themselves under one roof.
In order to give shape to the great commitment of the companies and organic food stores, the Naturata Association was founded: Together, they all act in the value chain and want to consciously shape the path between producers and consumers.
For this purpose, the "Naturata International - Gemeinsam Handeln e.V." was founded in 2002, which forms a kind of working group with the aim of developing a particularly sustainable and fair form of cooperation. For more information about the association visit:

Any questions?

Questions concerning Naturata AG:

Questions about Naturata Logistics eG

If you have questions about any of the Naturata stores, feel free to contact them directly:

List of stores